Baldwin's marriage to Basinger ended, well, "badly." Baldwin and Basinger are engaged in a heated custody battle over their daughter, Ireland, who lives with her mom and in her L.A. home along with 21 animals.
But his most memorable moment was his vow to leave the United States if George W. Bush were re-elected, and become an Arab. Living up to his promise, Baldwin immediately moved to the luxurious Burj al-Arab hotel in Dubai where he lives in luxury with a new harem of women. It was from his hotel room that Baldwin made this phone call to the RottenFalafel.com's HotLine number -- that the TMZ.com scumbags tried to steal from us. Those bastard raghead m-fers!
BELOW: Baldwin Rant on RottenFalafel.com telephone answering machine: from his luxurious hotel suite at the Burj al-Arab hotel in Dubai:
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